Sunday, June 22, 2008

Where the fuck to start...

Yeah so It's been a few weeks since the last time I have updated. It's been quite the fucking month. The day after my last post a friend, Mike Fennelly, passed away suddenly. It hit real fucking hard. He was a coworker of mine and a good friend to some of my very close friends. It was definitely a very hard week and I took some major reflecting within that week. On June 14th my old band in unrest got back together to play one more time for Mike. The day before and hours before the set I worked on some shirts that we made for donations for the show. I am very proud of the shirts, but I hated printed them. It sucked huge to know Mike was gone it's definitely going to be very different without him. That night we sold out almost completely on the shirts and made over 600 dollars to go to his family for funeral bills, etc. It was a very bittersweet moment. The show itself was fun from what I remembered. I didn't realize how many people actually cared about what we had done. Anyways, here is the video of the "last show" for In Unrest.

In Unrest Last Show 6/14/08 from Christopher Scesny on Vimeo.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Rekindling the fire.

yeah so I haven't updated in months. I guess I just didn't really get into the swing of being a blogger. It probably has something to do with my lack of story telling abilities. Anyways, nothing exciting has happened. I got sick, ended up in the hospital back over the winter time, I broke my hand a few months after that and then my car died. From what I'm told shit like this happens in three's. Whatever that means. I have constant bad luck.

This summer I'm going to be doing a 7" EP for my friends band, Reptar, I enjoy this band a bunch, fast thrashy hardcore. I'vet got so much in mind for how I'm going to do this record, I'm going to do maybe 300 for a 1st press. Just to see how well it goes. I'm also giving away my Think I Care collection to get a Chokehold themed piece on my left leg. I'm excited about that. Thats it for now. Update soonish?