Today was my first day of College in over 3 years. Even though it seems a bit silly I was very fucking nervous but I gotta start somewhere right?
I woke up at 7:45 and got to HVCC around 8:30 this morning. My first class started at 9. Sweet. I got through all the bullshit traffic on 787, found a parking spot and did it all in about 30 mins. So I look at my schedule a read off my first class of the day, English Composition 1 in AMZ 214, or so I thought. I got in there and it didn't feel right. I looked at my schedule again, AMZ 214 is for Wednesday. On Monday's its BTC 307. FUCK. That's about 2-3 buildings over. I politely get up and say, "I'm sorry I read my schedule wrong" and started my way over to the correct building. To get from where I was in AMZ to BTC I had about 5 mins. I get to my class and I'm sweaty, out of breath mess from jogging over to the building and then getting up 3 flights of stairs. I sit down and I can say this with confidence, I was the oldest person in that class aside from the Professor. All the people in my class were fresh out of high school and I recognized one from my sister's graduating class(my sister graduated just this year.). The teacher I have, I can say I don't like her at all. Instead of getting right into the class like I had hope she would she made us do this "get to know your classmates" bullshit thing. We had to get up and have a small circle that faced an outside circle, you had to introduce yourself and tell the person what you liked to do. I couldn't have gave a shit. I'm 25 all I want to do is get what I need from this class so I can start working on my major right away. The first person I had introduced myself to was a young girl named Maytha, she said she was from down south and doing something with telecommunications and computers. The next couple of people were not as interesting or talkative as Maytha was so I really don't remember their names or what they did. We all did agree that it was a very awkward thing to put us into though.
Class ended and I made my way to my second and last class of the day, Math Structures 1, aka retard math. I'm not good at math and this class was the reason I dropped out of college and lost all my financial aid benefits, so now I have to sit down and really learn it. This class had a few people that looked around my age so I didn't feel as awkward but it was hot as hell in the class room and it made me a sweaty mess. I had gotten there a few minutes early so I was able to do some blackberry myspacing and what not, haha. The teacher came in and I'm happy to say she got right into the class, no bullshit meet your classmates, she simply said, introduce yourself to your neighbors so if you can help each other out. I liked that. We got right into numerical sets or some shit. I kinda understand what shes talking about the dude in front of me whose name I completely forget explained it to me a little easier so I felt better on that behalf. What was driving me nuts during the class is we are sitting there listening to the professor and outside about every 2 minutes I hear the skidding of car tires and I'm thinking to myself "what the fuck is going on outside!?!" Some other students had made a remake about as well, so it felt good to know I wasn't the only one annoyed by the mysterious screeching car noises.
Class ended and I made my way to go get my books from the book store. I'm happy to say as I was about to walk in Pat Dwyer came walking out saying "fuck that bookstore" the line was huge. So I sat outside of the book store and we just shot the shit for a little a bit. An old friend Alicia came out the book store and was very surprised to see me. I said hello had a small conversation and went back to talking to Pat. As I was talking to Pat my friend Lacy called and told us she'd be right over. So there we were being the awkward people we are hanging out in front of the book store talking about absolutely nothing. I love shit like that. I'll never understand why. Beau and his girlfriend also showed and said hello. Glad to see people I know.
Tomorrow I have American History at 8, Math again at 10 and General Psychology at 1. I'll update on the my 2 newer classes tomorrow. I'm very excited about American History. I hope the teacher I have isn't dumb R-tard.
Currently listening to Apartment 213 and moshing hard.
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