Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sometimes I really love ebay.

Thank you random Japanese hardcore kid. Ben you should find the guy who bought this and hang out with him. He's got some serious dough.

Monday, September 29, 2008

and once again my bad luck continues

So everything has been going good. I've been doing pretty alright with school. I'm just about done with the Reptar records. Everything is going ok. Flashback to last week. My new band Fucking Mess play with Damnation Alley, Morne and Reptar. The records came in about a day before so I assembled and got them ready for the show. Everything was going smoothly up until about halfway into Reptar. As I was watching them play out of nowhere I felt a huge slam to my mouth. Not even realizing what had just happened I tried to shake it off. Then I realized something was very wrong. My right front tooth wasn't in the correct place in my mouth; in fact, it had gone backwards into my head and what is commonly referred to as a luxation happened. So then I realize my tooth is fucked. I run into the bathroom and wash the blood off my face. What I didn't realize is I bit through my lower lip too. So that was where most of the bleeding was coming from.

That is from the show. I was in semi shock so and didn't really know what to do so I just kinda hung around until the end of the show. Then my brother and I went to the ER where I cleaned myself up and looked like this:

Amazing. So from there I had to wait around for about a half an hour. Here's where it gets sketchy and I think this is where my tooth was broken. I am finally treated at the ER. The doctor comes in and shoots me up with novacaine. Man that did not feel good. Everything then went of course. She sews up the hole in my face and starts to set the tooth back, she moves it about 3 times. On the third time I hear a loud "click" noise. I didn't think anything of it. I thought she had set it back correctly no problems. From there they put some kind of splint mouth glue shit on my tooth and I'm released from the hospital. I get home and I feel like complete shit.

All weekend long I couldn't do anything. I slept all day Saturday and had to miss Scott J and Lindsey's wedding. I couldn't bite down either because of the tooth. I would be woken up by jolts of pain because in my sleep I would try to shut my mouth correctly.
Fast forward to Monday morning. Time to visit the dentist, the first thing he did was look at the tooth and noticed it was extremely loose. Bad bad sign. He took some x-rays and about 10 minutes later gave me the bad news. My right front tooth was broken straight across inside the gum line. It had to be extracted ASAP. At this point I'm pretty upset because well, I don't have much going for me and now I'm going to lose one of my front teeth. I wasn't happy at all. I was pretty pissed with the fact that this had happened. On top of that He wasn't going to pull my tooth until today, I couldn't wait that long. I called up the next day and told him I was in extreme amount of pain and it needed to get out of my head. He was able to get me in the for Wednesday at 8:30 in the morning. This fucking sucked. I remember the surgery so well still. I walk in, he numbs up my mouth and with ease gets the first 3/4 of my tooth out my head. Next he had to get the last of the root out of my head. This wasn't fun at all. He was holding my lip up right over my nose, so there was times I couldn't breath and I had to lift my hand and let him know. While he was drilling away at whatever, the novacaine started to wear off. I had to let him know I could feel everything he was doing. He injects me with more novacaine and went back to work. about 15 to 20 minutes later the root finally came out and he started stitching me up. For some odd reason the dude thought I got caught in a bar fight and I wasn't about to explain to him what happens at hardcore shows. Oh well. This is my currently look

Can't say I'm very happy about having a huge gap in my face. I'll be getting an implant before the year is over.

The Reptar record is just about done and I'm pretty happy with the way it came out. We are gonna do one more cover variation and that will be it. We are never gonna press this again and only 300(315 including test presses) will ever exist
Here's the Variations.

I should note that the one that is a just a half tone pic of my fucked tooth will be available at the Trapped Under Ice show aka Record Release round 2. The Tim and Eric covers sold like hot cakes.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

2 weeks in.

School has been going pretty fucking good. I learned that my english teacher wasn't as much of an idiot as I thought, she's still kind of weird but not as much as I had though. However, The next day I walked into my Western Civ class with a Professor Laba. WORST TEACHER EVER. His lecture had more "um's and uh's" then when I try to tell a story in real life. He was also all over the place when he would actually talk. Needless to say he got me very pissed off and I dropped his class. I now take Medieval history with a better and much more funnier teacher. I took my first exam in Psychology today as well and got a 94 on it. Pretty fucking stoked on that. Things at school have been going pretty good all in all.

The Reptar records should be here in about 2 weeks. The record release will be Oct 18th with Trapped Under Ice and Forfeit. Pretty fucking pumped about this record. The artwork was done by Joey Southside from The Banner and I'm pretty pumped on it.

That's really about it for now, I have some serious ADD currently and maybe I should start writing shit down in a notebook before I put on here, that also might help me with my ability to write papers? who knows.

Monday, August 25, 2008

I got my lunch packed up, my shoes tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight.

Today was my first day of College in over 3 years. Even though it seems a bit silly I was very fucking nervous but I gotta start somewhere right?

I woke up at 7:45 and got to HVCC around 8:30 this morning. My first class started at 9. Sweet. I got through all the bullshit traffic on 787, found a parking spot and did it all in about 30 mins. So I look at my schedule a read off my first class of the day, English Composition 1 in AMZ 214, or so I thought. I got in there and it didn't feel right. I looked at my schedule again, AMZ 214 is for Wednesday. On Monday's its BTC 307. FUCK. That's about 2-3 buildings over. I politely get up and say, "I'm sorry I read my schedule wrong" and started my way over to the correct building. To get from where I was in AMZ to BTC I had about 5 mins. I get to my class and I'm sweaty, out of breath mess from jogging over to the building and then getting up 3 flights of stairs. I sit down and I can say this with confidence, I was the oldest person in that class aside from the Professor. All the people in my class were fresh out of high school and I recognized one from my sister's graduating class(my sister graduated just this year.). The teacher I have, I can say I don't like her at all. Instead of getting right into the class like I had hope she would she made us do this "get to know your classmates" bullshit thing. We had to get up and have a small circle that faced an outside circle, you had to introduce yourself and tell the person what you liked to do. I couldn't have gave a shit. I'm 25 all I want to do is get what I need from this class so I can start working on my major right away. The first person I had introduced myself to was a young girl named Maytha, she said she was from down south and doing something with telecommunications and computers. The next couple of people were not as interesting or talkative as Maytha was so I really don't remember their names or what they did. We all did agree that it was a very awkward thing to put us into though.

Class ended and I made my way to my second and last class of the day, Math Structures 1, aka retard math. I'm not good at math and this class was the reason I dropped out of college and lost all my financial aid benefits, so now I have to sit down and really learn it. This class had a few people that looked around my age so I didn't feel as awkward but it was hot as hell in the class room and it made me a sweaty mess. I had gotten there a few minutes early so I was able to do some blackberry myspacing and what not, haha. The teacher came in and I'm happy to say she got right into the class, no bullshit meet your classmates, she simply said, introduce yourself to your neighbors so if you can help each other out. I liked that. We got right into numerical sets or some shit. I kinda understand what shes talking about the dude in front of me whose name I completely forget explained it to me a little easier so I felt better on that behalf. What was driving me nuts during the class is we are sitting there listening to the professor and outside about every 2 minutes I hear the skidding of car tires and I'm thinking to myself "what the fuck is going on outside!?!" Some other students had made a remake about as well, so it felt good to know I wasn't the only one annoyed by the mysterious screeching car noises.

Class ended and I made my way to go get my books from the book store. I'm happy to say as I was about to walk in Pat Dwyer came walking out saying "fuck that bookstore" the line was huge. So I sat outside of the book store and we just shot the shit for a little a bit. An old friend Alicia came out the book store and was very surprised to see me. I said hello had a small conversation and went back to talking to Pat. As I was talking to Pat my friend Lacy called and told us she'd be right over. So there we were being the awkward people we are hanging out in front of the book store talking about absolutely nothing. I love shit like that. I'll never understand why. Beau and his girlfriend also showed and said hello. Glad to see people I know.

Tomorrow I have American History at 8, Math again at 10 and General Psychology at 1. I'll update on the my 2 newer classes tomorrow. I'm very excited about American History. I hope the teacher I have isn't dumb R-tard.

Currently listening to Apartment 213 and moshing hard.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The end is here.

So tomorrow morning marks my last day as an employee of Equal Vision Records. I'm pretty bummed out and excited to be leaving. From here I will recall some of my favorite things that happened while I was working there.

-Making stupid animal noises while printing with Beardo and Marco just to annoy everyone in the office.
-Chris D. hates girls who look like Chris D. t-shirts.
-Night Crew with Mikey Prema and Joey.
-Salsaritas queso=om nom nom nom.
-naps in the emulsion room at 7am because I was waiting on the burning schedule
-Random debauchery with merchnow dudes and Mike A.
-Annoying the shit out of Chris Sez and Dave Harris when I first started every time they walked by.
-The creation of Final Friday on the final Friday of September 2006.

All in all I like everyone I met there, well mostly everyone and I'm gonna miss seeing them everyday I learned a good trade as well.

School starts on Monday. I've yet to buy my textbooks mainly because I haven't had time to get to the school to buy them. I will be taking Western Civ, American History, English Composition, Math and Psychology. I'm pretty pumped. This time around I'm taking classes I'm actually interested in. 25 and going back to college. Better late than never.

The test presses came in last Thursday for the Reptar EP. I'm very fucking excited. Once I get the rest of the money in order(which should be by the end of next week.) I should have them in my possession by late September/early October. There will be 100 on clear red and 200 on solid blue. 30 of them will be put aside for the record release which will have the most ridiculous cover ever.

So I think thats it for now. I'll have another update once school starts.

Currently listening to Left For Dead. Skingraft just played. I mentally moshed.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Summer is almost over. I'm bummed out so hard. Aside from the bender weekend, I haven't done much of anything. I want to do something bad and its driving me nuts. I start school back up at the end of the month. Studying history, I'm pretty excited. I also still am itching so hard to get out and see the road. I want to tour so bad. ahhh I'll figure it out. About 2 weeks ago I sent out the paperwork and down payment for the Reptar record. I'm anxiously waiting on the test presses to come back.

I've decided to let my ipod just go through shuffle as I work. I want to see how many days it takes for my ipod to go completely through. The nice thing I guess is it will scrobble everything it's played once I hook it up to my computer and my last.fm thing detects it. haha I lead such a boring life.

Face Value, Black S.S., Sick Fix, Reptar and The Infidels on Saturday. I'm pretty excited about that show. Final Friday was supposed to play the day after with Orenthal James and It's Alive but due to circumstances with OJ the show was cancelled. I just want Final Friday to play again. I also want Dave's arm to get better so we can start writing new material again. The new songs we started writing have greater promise than the songs we originally wrote which I find boring now.

I'm currently listening to Negative FX. Slapshot sucks as does Choke, but this band and LP rule.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Where the fuck to start...

Yeah so It's been a few weeks since the last time I have updated. It's been quite the fucking month. The day after my last post a friend, Mike Fennelly, passed away suddenly. It hit real fucking hard. He was a coworker of mine and a good friend to some of my very close friends. It was definitely a very hard week and I took some major reflecting within that week. On June 14th my old band in unrest got back together to play one more time for Mike. The day before and hours before the set I worked on some shirts that we made for donations for the show. I am very proud of the shirts, but I hated printed them. It sucked huge to know Mike was gone it's definitely going to be very different without him. That night we sold out almost completely on the shirts and made over 600 dollars to go to his family for funeral bills, etc. It was a very bittersweet moment. The show itself was fun from what I remembered. I didn't realize how many people actually cared about what we had done. Anyways, here is the video of the "last show" for In Unrest.

In Unrest Last Show 6/14/08 from Christopher Scesny on Vimeo.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Rekindling the fire.

yeah so I haven't updated in months. I guess I just didn't really get into the swing of being a blogger. It probably has something to do with my lack of story telling abilities. Anyways, nothing exciting has happened. I got sick, ended up in the hospital back over the winter time, I broke my hand a few months after that and then my car died. From what I'm told shit like this happens in three's. Whatever that means. I have constant bad luck.

This summer I'm going to be doing a 7" EP for my friends band, Reptar, I enjoy this band a bunch, fast thrashy hardcore. I'vet got so much in mind for how I'm going to do this record, I'm going to do maybe 300 for a 1st press. Just to see how well it goes. I'm also giving away my Think I Care collection to get a Chokehold themed piece on my left leg. I'm excited about that. Thats it for now. Update soonish?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


A few months back one late night, I was doing my usual thing, lurking the b9board. That night someone started talking about a band named Teenage Cool Kids, I gave the link a click and I was instantly tapping my foot along to their catchy indie rock tunes. Shortly after I found out about them they released their full length entitled "Queer Salutations" on Protagonist Music. This record is fantastic, perfect for a warm summer night hanging out with some friends bbqing and drinking good beer. Stand out tracks for me are Crowd Aggravation, Sleeper Hold and Tryna Decide. Add them on myspace(http://www.myspace.com/teenagecoolkids) pick up their cd and everything else they have while you're at it.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

So there is this website called myminicity.com. Basically it's like a simcity type situation except I can't build anything YOU need to contribute to the building of my city and all you have to do is click the link and BAM! I have new citizen to my city. My city is called Downyville, because I'm an asshole. Check my town out and become and then start your own and I will help build it. DOWNYVILLE

I also got some new records yesterday in the mail that once I get my moving situation done with this weekend I will review.

Friday, January 25, 2008

So I guess I'm going start a blog. My name is Zach Carlin I'm 24 years old and I currently reside in Cohoes NY, I work for a screen printing company called EVR Promotions and come next fall I will hopefully be a full time college student again majoring in History. Honestly I basically have no idea what it will be about, Sometimes I might rant about life, other times I might talk about a new record I have recently listened to and how awesome it is, which reminds me Pulling Teeth's new record "Martyr Immortal" is fucking excellent and the breakdown in the song "stone throwers" makes me want to rip the eyeballs out of every bystander around me. If you want to know what I'm talking about go to my myspace page and listen to it.